Well I have been in a black mood for far too long lately and have found it hard to find anything positive about 2008 and not really looking forward to 2009, all this credit crunch doom and gloom has really got to me. So inspired by others review of the year I am going to look at the positives.
- I gave my first workshop, and it was fun despite being ill.
- I had my work in an exhibition in the City Museum.
- I made 12 arches.
- I made 12 postcards for the calendar girls swap.
- I made 12 (I think) ATC's or the lottery on TC.
- I made at least 7 christmas gifts.
- I started level 4 C+G
- I got promoted to Deputy head of faculty ( after 10 years that should maybe be higher on the list!!!)
- I had my 8 year wedding anniversary.
- My Daughter turned 5.
- I embarked on the Soul Journal journey, am temporarily on a hold with this as soo so busy!
- I had the second year anniversary of blogging and of my group Textile challenges.
- I completed my first online workshop with Lynda and Carol, which was superb.
- My class got 100% A-D in Textiles this year.
So a good year really, and I am sure there is loads I can't remember. Hope you all have a great New year and a fab 2009. My resolution is to count my blessings, regularly - here - so that I am not so doom and gloom! What's yours?