Hey all I thought I would start this post out with a new link to add to your blog roll, My friend Michelle from my C+G class has just started a new blog. It is very new at the mo but i know Shell will show you her stuff soon, it is gorgeous. Michelle is most
definitely a colourist, she puts together the most stunning colours. bear with her while she finds her blogging feet but well worth checking out.
Now to me and my finger out, well i went to the Knitting and Stitching show yesterday with the aforementioned Michelle and another girl from college ,
Cath. We had a lovely time, despite being the last day of the show, which is apparently not the best day but I found it far better than the Saturday i went on last time as there were less people and you could really see the work then. I saw some really stunning pieces, the 21 group were very good as was the Val
Cambell Harding just so stunning to see all that work together and so close up., well done Maggie, and if your reading this i totally chickened out of saying hello!
I spent a bit of money but didn't go mad I bought:
- Moonshadow inks in turquoise and sepia
- 2 perle balls in a variegated blue and orange
- 2 £1 packs of aluminium sheet
- Some Grillon thread to try
- and some lovely copper and turquoise beads and glass beads
So not overboard. THE most important things was I got to meet in person my
bestest internet friend
Jan. I can't tell you how pleased I was and so happy to see her, she has become a
surrogate auntie to my
littly Ellie and a trusted friend and creative and emotional sounding board. We met over a year
ago online and have chatted and phoned each other regularly since but to met her and work along side her at a workshop was just a treat.
The workshop was with Christine Benson, who was lovely and gave us an interesting
exercise in colour and design principles. We were using a variety of papers and fabrics to make a layered card. It was quite challenging and thoughtful despite on the surface looking simple. I have to finish stitching mine and then I will post a pic.
In the same vein i decided to bit the bullet and do something, so i painted some papers for transfer printing tonight. i have to try and find some polyester now as I don't keep any at home, mainly
prefering to dye and therefore have more natural fibres. Again when i sort it i will show you. I have a
quilty and a postcard to make and I am going to use my fabrics from the course i went on last week.
Until all this planning actually gets
full filled I will leave you with a picture of my last finished
Dotee dolls for a swap on textile challenges.