Hello all, yes I am still alive!!! I am in the murky depths that is ESTYN school inspection. It all kicks off on monday and I thanksfully am being seen on monday so it will be over and done with and a little less painful I hope!
I have made the ATC above for Chris in my C+G groups unmentionable birthday. It was the glimps I gave you the other day but couldn't show you all of it as I hadn't given it to her yet. It is with her now so it's all good, Happy Birthday Chris if you check in here.
In the mean time I have had my hands on something other than paper work. I have been going to design class for C+G and have been really enjoying myself, at least it was nothing too taxing ESTYN having stolen my brain! We have been doing some block printing. I have been looking at rust and industrial remnants, a hint at a life once full but now gone to seed. I have been particularly enjoying this flickr members photo's:
pixmaniaqueHere's what I produced:

This one above is on fabric so may get turned into a sample.

Then I have also been fiddling with the lutrador and lace from Carol M's article for Fibre and stitch. I also took a collograph of this which is below, one on paper and the other on tissue, which i intend to stitch into at some stage too.

I also wanted to thank Summerset of
Pins and Needles Blog. She has done me a big huge favour. Ever year my GCSE kids find it really hard to get advice from experts, especially USEFUL advice. You would be shocked at how many sorry we can't help emails they get every year. Summerset not only answered Zoe, one of my girls, questions with gret detail but put it on her blog, which i have to say made Zoe even more happy. She came skipping in to tell me that it was there and we had the whole class huddled around the scree to read what was said. I can't thank you enough for this act of kindness, you are a gem Sumerset and will forever be a total star to me. Thanks so much for enthusing kids and making one young lady feel so special.
Have a great weekend all, hope your all off sewing!
PS, I for got to say it is also the 1st anniversary of my group Textiles Challenges. Things have gone a bit quiet there at the mo, maybe down to my long absence and lack of attention at the mo. If you are a member, we miss you, come and play in a vessel/3D challenge. Prizes are being given this month since it is our birthday.