Hia all, To be honest I am a bit scared to write , I haven't for ages and have been hiding from the world. I haven't had a lot to say and have not been very creative. I have been battling with some life struggles and there just hasn't been room for anything else.
Anyway an update, I have been carrying on with the gym and have now lost 3 stone 9lb, and feel the fittest and healthiest I have felt for a hundred years :) This is how I look now

Lot better ha! I went to a military ball recently and got all
glammed up in the corset I made, felt fantastic, although I now have to make another as the boning in this one is now too long as I have shrunk by 5 inches all over :)
Anyway I have done a little something creative lately, made these
e buntings for Christmas, one in Welsh and one in English for the bi-lingual household.

We went on the Santa train with snow falling and everything :) Had to show you this cute pic of my pair :)

and the 3 of us :)
and lastly I went on an amazing Christmas workshop in December - called "white until the night" with my old tutor Enid Davies. We started off by doing a drawing of Christmas things and then scanned it and printed the image off to use as a template for cutting and applique in shades of white, in a variety of textures.

We then scanned in the applique and manipulated the image with photo shop, this was just one of mine.

Then we printed the best one off on to sticky back paper and used a section of it to make a Christmas card - do you love it ???? I do ! Was an amazing course, I really enjoyed it.

Hope you can all forgive my long absence and I hope to get back to something like more regular blogging, I am still taking a day at a time, so we shall see :)