I nearly missed my bloggyversary! I haven't been a good place sewing wise lately, not in the mood ? Done some bread and butter selling of buntings and bags but nothing much.
I have been dieting and exercising again, and re llost my last stone, to be at my lowest weight - 5 stone off!!!! so I thought I'd show you : (hate a post with no pics and as I have nothing to show!!!!)

Well done on the weight loss you are looking great.
OMG Carol.
I would probably walk past you in the street!
Well done. I am really proud of you.
Congratulations on the weightloss ~ you must feel fabulous because you look it! Happy blogaversary!
Hugs and blessings
hi well done with the weight loss - yu have done well - keep tracking!!!! from one carol taylor to another!
You leave me gob smacked !!!
I can't find the incentive to lose a pound let alone 5 stone. WELL DONE!!!!! What a brilliant achievement.
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