Wasn't a huge leap I guess :) I got the bondaweb out and ironed down 1ply of a kitchen towel mop up first to felt.... Then stencilled it

Doesn't look much now but plan to stitch it while I am away. The next one I used bondaweb again and added some foil, then Ironed down a nappy liner mop up I have been harbouring for ages. Mono printed this with the stencil and a roller. Looks like it is crying out for stitches :)

Finally I did the bondaweb and foil thing and then added a 1 ply paper and mono printed. I wanted to achieve the effect of the piece I did in my sketchbook. I lost the foil a bit under the paper, it's not as transparent as the nappy liner, so may not bother with that next time. I started adding tone with a biro as I had in my sketchbook, looks good no????? Top is after and bottom is before. Thin I wil stitch it also though as this is very flat.

So was in a bit of self doubt last night, still am and if you want to comment I will be doing a giveaway on my return from holibobs, dunno what yet but will do something nice. Think I might be being a bit safe, always go for these colours, this sort of patternation has been done before, you know what I mean? so I thought right go to what you know... I do this often when I am stuck I write a ist of "what I know" about the topic in the hope it will kick start a chain of though. so this is what I wrote in my notebook (I told you before about the companion notebook ye?, I wrote 5 sides but will condense :))
What do I now about markings in stone-
- They recorded relationships, e.g. X son of Y (medieval graffiti) (grave markers)
- they were used to mark boundaries - Brecheiniog was marked out along the river Usk
- They were in old Irish or Brythonic language
- Vast majority were names (ironically i wrote my name on a stitched piece the other day)
- Ogham - Irish for "Point seam" - cause the markings were on a corner edge of wood or stone - at the point of a seam - surely scope here
- Links to Latin and Germanic runes - maybe a development stage here
- was a encrypted language - so that the Romans would not know the political, religious or military messages of the druids.
- Has relationship with druidic hand signals - people think it is based on hand sygnals as the marks are in groups of no more than 5 - e.g. digits
- Links to tally marks
- Is called the "celtic tree alphabet" as each letter is linked with a tree or land based item e.g oak, gold, etc
- Messages were sent on little rounds, denote ownership, or be magical, like the idea of little transportable things, 3D??????
- As I was reading more I found another marking system off a childrens welsh alphabet poster, it had Ogham and "Coelbren y beirdd" - meaning The poets memory wood. This lead me to think about what I want to say in these marking, do I want to look at modern memorials, names, what???? and I got to thinking about welsh poetry. Welsh poetry is hard - I did welsh lit at GCSE and I found the whole thing a mystery - how I got a C I'll never know but I did remember the "englyn" a kind of welsh Haiku, short snappy meaningful words. I am going to research, maybe even try to write a few??? we'll see how it goes :)
So there we are going to what I know always helps ("going to the mattresses" - used on many a tv mob show - preparing for battle and this is what I think of going to what I know as ), has set me on my way again. I have much to think about - lucky I have 2 weeks of sun to do it in :)