Friday, December 08, 2006

Water colour

This is a piece of course work for C+G based on colour theory. The student teacher, Josie, that has been working with my regular teacher Enid did a lesson with us on colour and line. We completed a pencil task of making secondary colours with different lines, e.g. zig zags, cross hatched, wavy etc. We had to use lines of the primary colour to make the secondary. We then had to take this into a colour sample. I used the imagery I have been working with this term and cable stitched the design. I used one primary colour on the top of the machine and another on the bottom in the bobbin. I like how it has turned out, but it doesn't convey the secondary colours that well in parts, probably due to the shade of thread I was using. However it was good to work this desin in coloured thread to see how different it could look.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

I love this with all the flowing lines in the middle.