Here's Kim and I today after the course today. Kim, she of Hot textiles fame, was an absolute scream. If you ever get a chance to go on a course with her, grab it with both hands. I had the most fab day, she was just my type of tutor, so fun a real good laugh.
Here is some of her work, including a mega huge vessel. So lush.
Look at the state of the floor in the hall, there was a sea of painted bondaweb, lutrador, tyvek and vilene. It was so funny picking through it all to the back corner where mine were!
from another angle
Here is everyone working away...
I am not going to bore you with a guzzillion tyvek sampes but here is the one I managed to stitch. It has 3 layers of tyvek on the bottom, 2 heavy and one lighter weight. I just stitched with a great big stab stitch and zapped with the iron. The spirals are tyvek with the iron too and some foil to pick up the edges.

I had a ball. I am working on samples for next months workshop as I am leading it.