Hia all, and can I start by thanking everyone for their good wishes and congratulations on my promotion. I already have a pile of things to do!
Anyway, i am out from under my textile rock! I have made and finished my jewellery for C+G but I did a stupid thing and didn't photograph them before handing them in, but I wil get a pic in th private view on monday. We are moving buildings next year (that's if I carry on???) and as we need new equipment we are all making ATC's to sell. Here are my offerings.

The next thing I am working on is my calendar girls card. We are half way through, and it is getting harder, but I decided to use the method I learnt at Sandra's workshop, using aqua bond and snippets of organza and fleece. I layed up triangles of organza over a twirled fleece centre. Then FME'd

Then the background, well since Angie Hughes' workshop I have been dying to try a FME style called "Drunken wiggle". I have done it here in a lime green perle, as cable stitch.

I was going to blast this back but I quite like it now.
I have also had some amazing post today. A lush scrunchy card from
Jan. She sent me the awsome Hand stitched ATC below too as part of the series of lotteries we are having on TC.

Don't you love them.I do! Thanks Jan.