Well I am nearly there with the cuff, admittedly I am not happy with this one and have started mark 2 but I learnt loads! I think the tonal values are not different enough in the embelished felt and the silver foil strip, and even though I love the texture I am in the process of utting together mark 2 including copper for the strip intead of the foil. I love how the organza worked out, it keeps the eyelets in shape and gives the back of the felt a lovely contrast and smooth finish. I may wear this one to the exhibiton and meal after if it doesn't go into the show. I still have the fastening to do, but in consultation with my little sis, I am going to go for a wire crochet or needle weaved ring to close it off as per the amazing cuff she made me!
Thanks too, to all of you who have wished me luck for tomorrow, if vibes from over 6 countires help I am sure I will be all good. I am going to picture you all straining to send me thoughts just before I go in and I am sure I can't fail! Mine is about 10.30 am BST (GMT+1) so think away!!!! Love carol T
Good luck Carol-----thinking thinking thinking
cool cuff, warm thoughts.
lots of love
Jan x
I think these cuffs look fantastic :)
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