Well there's nothing like pressure is there! I do so make like hard on myself! On monday I have a job interview for a promotion at work, and so, af if the pressure and self doubt that comes with this is not enough, I also have to get something finished to show in the exhibition for the end of C+G. I realy need to get something done as this is the second year of my Level 2 (I think that's Part 2) and although Enid is letting me complete by the end of August, and I may go onto level 4, I might not either so I feel I should have something in there! Now I have been dithering about this jewelery and automatic stitches thing long enough. So crunch time, I decided on what to do. I have used my felt that had been foiled and embellished, a la Purple Missus! Then I used solvy and the automatic stitches to make a lacy edge.

The two on the right unravelled a little too much for me and so I added a piece of organza to the last one so I can burn back the edges. I think this is going to be the way to go! So I am chuffed. They are about 1 1/2 inch square and now I have to get this done by........ wait for it....... Thursday. Yes that is a week today.

The next thing to add to it are these, penny washers. About an inch in size. I have painted them with nail polish in a lovely colour called Fantasy island! And this is my sample so far.....

So here we are, hopefully this is going to work out. God knows I haven't got time to mess about! I plan to blast it the weekend. Hope everyone is having a fun week.
Wishing you successful creative time this week-end!
You go girl!!!
As someone who considers that her best work is done in last minute panic I am sure this is going to work out fine. All the best for Monday.
Very best of luck for Monday - will have everything crossed for you.
When you blast, do it on a test piece first. I think that maybe if you overdo it the bondaweb and foil will start to shrivel too and that might not be the look you want.
Good luck with the promotion.
It looks like you are on the right track with your design idea.
Good luck for Monday, I hope it goes well.
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