HIa all, a quick update with my Soul Journal, While I was away Sarah issued 4 (Ithink) more instructions. The first of which was to photocopy 3 of my favourite pages and then collage them onto a new spread. This is how mine worked out.

I love the way new things have come to the fore, and how I have ine.cluded all my best bits into one.

I also love how I could play around with the orientation of things, that turned out nicely!

I went back to the page that Sarah asked us to use to record all our thoughts and what we have learnt from the sould journal and the people who have accompanied us on this journey. I have to say I have met some amazing new friends and have been suprised to meet new people after all this time blogging and running and being in yahoo groups. I have met some truely fab people, so giving, so creative. I wasn't happy with this page it was too stark in comparison to the other parts of my book so I went back with metallic colouring pencils and added some design elements without obscuring the writing.

I have signed up with sarah to be involved with the bookmark swap and so I was busily making them yesterday. I have just te charms to add now. The middle one is the only one not going to Sarah. Since the edges of my page have been so much a part of the journal I have cut the edges of my book marks too.

Now It is my 2 year blogiversary today, and so to celebrate I thought I would give the middle book mark away. I have yet to add charms to it, but that will be done before I send it out. If you would like it then leave me a comment and I will draw the winner on friday, It is my birthday on friday so much to celebrate this week! Best of luck!