Monday, May 21, 2007

Birthday madness!

Hia it is my little madam, Ellie's fourth birthday today. She has had a blast! i thought I would show you her cake (which I made!!!) and a pic of a very happy girl! Thanks to all my lovely friends who have sent her cards, pressies and god wishes today she is very happy. She did a video clip but I am ashamed to show it as all she mentions is poo and wee! Oh to be four!


Digitalgran said...

How wonderful to be 4 years old and be so daring and saying all the words she thinks she shouldn't. They all go through it don't they?
Os gwn i yn Saesneg neu Cymraeg oedd Ellie yn deud y geiriau hyll :>))
Mae'r deisen yn wych.

Helen in the UK said...

Oh this cake is darling. It brings back memories of a cake I had when young (maybe 7 or 8) with a Sindy doll in the middle. One of my most vivid childhood birthday memories :)

Dianne said...

That cake is amazing - I thought it was a real doll for a minute. Happy 4th birthday to a very cute Ellie!!

Robert said...

Happy Birthday Ellie!! have a wonderful day filled with loads of fun and laughter...enjoy your special day...and for some more fun and goodies do drop by my blog on Birthday Wishes and enjoy all that's there!!!