I have gotten my page for Helen done on time, for a change! I have been really trying to clear my commitments at the mo! I have just been reading Anna's blog where she was talking about being a true
Gemini and having a thousand projects on the go at once. Well I am a true list making Virgo, never happier than
when ticking something off my list! Well here is my piece for Helen, her chosen theme was India and remembering that I had traded with Sara f
rom Kuwait a favour for some embellished ribbons I went in search! This was the most
Indian of them with lovely saffron colours and paisleys. I harvested some of the metal work from the bits I cut off and used up some of my painted cotton, in saffron colours. I also
Kantha'd the piece too, as it is an Indian technique.

I am sweetly aware of sending the worlds worst binding to Helen, of all people! Well I did my best! I am not up to par at the mo as I have a horrible case of Flu.

I also included an acrylic scraped tag with more paisleys.

Not my usual colours, but lovely to work with. I had fun!
Can I also put out a reminder about the Cerdlyn card art fund raising appeal. It is to raise money to keep Plas glyn y weddw gallery open and I blogged about it a milion years ago. It asks or either A5 or postcard size art works in any media to be auctioned at the gallery. Well they are due in at the end of March. A CV (short artist statement) should accompany the work as well as contact details. The back of the work should be signed and dated, and have a title.
If you would like to take part leave me a comment and I will email you the address, as I wouldn't like to put out Elfryn's address here!!! If you remember me saying about this please try to take part as this fab galery will close without some help! Thanks so much.