Well , I am worn out but what a week! Firstly I got these lovely gifts from Jan. I can't tell you quite how much I love these. They are my inchies from the recent Textile Challenges swap. But Jan is not one to send only what is required, and sent me the most superb little bag and matching ATC as well!

I chose purple and turquoise and they are just fab, made from some sort of plastic, clear maybe bubble wrap I will have to ask her what. They are just great. Jan doesn't have a blog (But should hint! hint!) but has recently joined a textile exhibiting group called "Meniscus".

Here is why I am tired anyway! On Wednesday night I didn't get in till 12! It was our school's leaver's ball and we had a blast. Here I am with some of my lovely pupils.

Vicky Bevan(Textiles)

Prom king - James Florence
Prom queen - Tara Gittins (Child development)

Jess, Kira and Amy (Child development)

Kristy and Mathew (AKA TRACTOR!!!)

Jade, Zoe (Textiles) + Amy (Child development)

Catherine, Natasha, Danni, Hayley, Jodi and Sam (Cath,Tash and Sam of my textiles class, Danni from Child development and haven't taught Jodi and Hayley for 2 years!)

The gorgeous Natasha, who I called by the wrong name for which I will be eternally sorry - She was so gracious and so lovely about it - and she shouldn't be as I have taught her for 2 year 3 times a week, but in my defense these nights are so hard because all the past pupils and current pupils are a blur! Never mind she is so gorgeous, what a colour - not many people could handle it but she looked so glam and years older!

I loved every minute, what a great night, super kids, a really fab ball.Can you tell i am so proud of them!