Here are the cards I have been working on. The beading has taken ages, but is worth it I think.

The bottom one is off to Pamela Rice, he left me comment suggesting a trade so off it goes. I recieved my card from her already, but haven't photographed it yet, but i will post that tomorrow with something else I have to photograph. It is lovely.

These ATC's were made from the bits. They are available for trade so just leave me a comment with your email.
Next comes a sketch for a work to be started soon. My siter in law has just moved in with her fella and on a recent visit bought a canvas and asked me to paint it for her new bedroom, so this is the initial sketch. I am just waiting to see if she likes it.

The next 2 pictures are arches i have recieved in the Textile challenges group arch page swap. I run this group and the talent of the ladies astounds me. The first is from Cathy and I know she was nervous with this, but with no good reason as it is gorgeous, so neatly made and with lovely colour combinations. I love it. She also generously sent me a load of fabric, that had all sorts of ymmy lovelyness, and sent loads of bits for Ellie who devoured them like a rabid dog!!!

This one was made by Gillian and is so thoughful. She really thought that I would be getting this in the first week of march, just in time for St. David's day. I love it.

Wel I am on a roll, I have lots to do as I have an arch to do for my swap partner and I really want to move with my cuffs during this holiday. I wil post again tomorrow as I have recieved more goodies and have them to show too. Have a great Easter weekend.
Lot's going on there Carol you are definitely on a roll.
I would love to trade an ATC with you and if you could spare another one to swap with Ebony as well that would be great.
Great work on the postcards and ATC's Carol, I love the sketch on the canvas, your SIL is bound to love it.
Your work is great, Carol! I would love to trade an ATC with you -- especially if I can request the one that looks like a pair of eyeglasses sitting on a stack of books. It also looks like a gift wrapped & tied with a gold bow! Does this mean I make a gluegun ATC for you? I've still got to dig out my glue gun ... as soon as I finish my latest arches (one for Carol R & the other for Alis -- both will be mailed Monday!).
Your work is wonderful - I love the various techniques!
I saw your comment the other day regarding your students - really it is no problem to answer the e-mails! It is fun. They seem to have plenty of ideas and and a vision of what the final product will be.
If they haven't all gone I would love to trade and ATC with you (If they have gone maybe next time)
Britt Western Australia :D
Hi Carol, I have just been nominated for an award by Barbara of Embroidery Overlaps as a blog that’ brings her inspiration and makes her appreciate the blogosphere’, and of course I have to do the same to 10 blogs that do it for me! You therefore meet the criteria that I would expect of such a blog. So consider yourself well and truly nominated!!!!!!!!! And only if you have the time please do the same for 10 other such inspiring sites. Although time consuming it has made me look critically at my ‘favourites’ with a different eye. XXX MargaretS
The beading on these postcards was certainly worth it.
I love this colour scheme you have going on at the moment.
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