Well lots to show this week so if you don't have a cuppa go get one now!!! I am starting with what i have been playing with tonight. It is a little 4 inch square canvas that i am going to try out a tutorial from Cloth paper scissors onto. It is a tutorial on surfaces by Kelly Rae Roberts. i love her pics and so as I am looking at children's illustration for this unit of C+G I thought it mght fit in well, plus I have had this canvas for ages and this is a lovely size for playing on. I don't know what I am going to do on it yet but not a figure it is too small, maybe a butterfly or a bird or something.

The next is my piece for my challenge on Textiles challenges, my group. We are looking at mono printing this month and I decided to play on the garden theme for my C+g and for a swap I have this in mind for. I have been dying to get going on this but there are only enough hours in the day at the mo.

The next pieces are an exercise from college where we were drawing to music. It was really fun. i found it hard at first and found i was bound by the rules, the metre of the music. If it was 4 beats to a bar I had to make 4 marks! After 2 goes I started to loosen up and this is the third, (EDIT) (Title removed for competition!)

The next thing we did was to draw on a big huge piece of paper all together, swaping positions every 2 minutes. We drew along to It's in your heart by Rod Stewart. Then when we were done we had to select a piece and say why we liked it. I chose this piece which I had drawn. It was probably the strongest image on the page to be honest!

We then had to trace off an outline and use the tracing to make a kind of a one sided stencil. We then loaded this up with pastel, oil and soft, and smudged it off onto black paper. Mine turned out well

I also saw this little tute on the Crafty crow blog. It was meant for kids but I thought looked like my mono prints and so I have a go, and so did Ellie. I will have to show you Ellie's next time. incidentally she turns 5 on wed!
It uses ike a watercolour wet in wet method, but I used acrylics!

I made these this week too, a little helper/ mouse had helped himslef to a hole in my seat covers over the winter so new ones were called or, love this print, I have been harbouring it for a while!

I finally finished my sister in law's canvas for her new house. She wanted creams and brown, so I added gold too. I went with a klimpt theme and added stencilling in gold and a variety of inchies, in satin and silk.

And because I know you love a close up!!!!!!

Well hope your not too exhausted reading about it! I am knackered personally so am off to bed. I hope to show you more on the pearl anniversary commision tomorrow or monday, it has to be with the client by friday so I want it done this weekend if I can! I expect there will be some birthday cake picks this week, as i have always made my own, however Ellie wants a high school musical one this year for her party so that has to be bought, but I no doubt will make one for her real birthday on wed!